Hormone Replacement Therapy | Juventee

HRT -Hormone Replacement Therapy Clinic

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Enjoying Life Without Compromise: HRT for Women

If there’s one universal truth, it’s that all of our bodies begin changing at some point. That’s especially true for women who are over the age of 50. One day it seems like we’re rolling out of bed with a pep in our step. The next, our emotions are out of control, our weight won’t go down, and we constantly have hot flashes. If that sounds like you, don’t worry – millions of other women worldwide are going through the same difficulties.

The fact of the matter is these symptoms are part of a natural process women go through. This change, called menopause, marks the end of a woman’s ability to reproduce and menstruate. The average age for this to occur is 51, though it officially begins a year after a woman’s final period. During this transition to menopause, estrogen and other hormones in a woman’s body start to deplete When those hormones deplete, frequent and sometimes severe symptoms can manifest:

  • Depression
  • Mood Swings
  • Hot Flashes
  • Weight Gain
  • Low Libido
  • Bone Density Loss

The symptoms of hormone deficiency can be scary for both women and their partners. That makes dealing with a hormone deficiency tricky because many symptoms are tied to nutrition, stress, lack of exercise, and toxins in your body.

However, if you’re getting older and dealing with some of the symptoms listed above, have hope. A solution to your hormone problems may be closer than you think. Hormone replacement therapy for women may help correct imbalances caused by menopause. These effective, safe treatments help many women throughout the menopause process and may even help them reclaim their youth.

Is HRT for Women the Right Answer?

To live a healthy life, hormone stability is very important for women. That’s where the beauty of HRT treatments for women begins to shine because it balances hormones that would otherwise be altered due to menopause.

HRT treatments for women represent a revolutionary step toward living life without the pitfalls of old age. However, at Juventee, we understand that no two women, and by proxy, patients, are the same. That’s why our team of doctors and specialists provide personalized treatment options for women, combining holistic treatment, nutrition, fitness plans, and more to supplement our HRT treatments.

Is HRT the answer if you feel exhausted, overweight, and moody? That’s the million-dollar question that we’re asked almost every day. And to be honest, it’s hard to say without a comprehensive exam by an HRT expert at Juventee. What we can say is that when a woman’s hormones are better balanced during menopause, she has a much better chance of enjoying life without the crippling symptoms that other women feel.

At Juventee, helping women reclaim their vitality and love of life is our top priority. While some HRT clinics see patients as nothing more than a means to make money, our team is cut from a different cloth.

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HRT for Women
What is hrt

The Juventee Difference

The key to balancing your hormones and improving your well-being is a process that we have refined over time. The Juventee HRT process consists of a comprehensive review of your health and hormonal status. Our team then customizes your plan and prescribes treatments, procedures, and supplements under the guidance of our local HRT experts.

At Juventee, we want to revitalize your health by promoting balance, energy, intimacy, and beauty. We start by assessing your baseline biomarkers and implementing a personalized plan to help you feel like your younger self. Our in-depth process covers many factors, almost like a web. Each component of that web works in conjunction with others to make up how you feel. If one area is out of sync, women can experience unwanted fluctuations in their weight, energy, emotions, libido, and more. Juventee is committed to evaluating our patient’s overall health so that we may bring vitality and happiness to as many aspects of their lives as possible.

We’ve mentioned all the greatness that can come with an HRT regimen from Juventee, but what exactly are the benefits of HRT for women? Let’s take a look.

Juventee’s Custom HRT Treatments for Women

Unlike some HRT clinics, Juventee’s HRT programs are carefully crafted and personalized for each patient. There are no cookie-cutter solutions at our office. Instead, we assess each individual’s needs and customize treatments to help their bodies as they age. We replace hormones that are deficient and restore them to their physiological state using HRT pellets.

These hormone pellets are prescription hormones inserted under the skin through a simple in-office procedure. Each pellet is about as large as a big grain of rice. Once inserted, our HRT pellets get to work quickly. With this treatment, patients don’t have to worry about applying greasy creams or swallowing pills. Instead, our pellets are metabolized by the body. That way, patients don’t stress over taking too much or too little.

Remember, at Juventee, our goal isn’t just to balance your hormones – it’s to completely optimize your health and well-being. You won’t ever have to worry about our doctors writing you a prescription and sending you on your way without any additional communication. Instead, we aim to be part of our patient’s journey back to health and work with all of our HRT patients to do so.

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Benefits of HRT for Women

Hormone imbalance causes a litany of issues. But with hormone replacement therapy, females can better process calcium, keep their cholesterol levels safe, and maintain a healthy vagina. By replenishing the body’s estrogen levels, HRT may relieve symptoms of menopause and even optimize bone health.

But that’s just the start. At Juventee, our patients report many benefits of taking HRT for women:

  • Less Chance of Depression
  • Better Sleep
  • Healthier Libido
  • Not As Many Hot Flashes
  • Optimal Vaginal Health

If you’re ready to feel better and enjoy the vitality of your youth, Juventee is here to help you every step of the way. It all starts with an in-person evaluation, where our team will determine if HRT is right for you.

Common Issues Women Experience During Menopause

For many women, menopause is a difficult time filled with ups, downs, and hormonal hurdles to overcome. While menopausal issues are well-known by some, other women only know that menopause can affect their hormones. The reality is that going through menopause can mean more than moodiness and hot flashes.

At Juventee, we’re big believers that a little knowledge can go a long way. With that in mind, if you’re going through menopause or are approaching “that” age, consider these common issues. First, let’s examine some alternative causes of menopause beyond age:


What Causes Menopause?

The most common reason for menopause is diminished, unbalanced hormones. However, menopause can also result from:

  • Oophorectomy: This surgery removes a woman’s ovaries and causes immediate menopause. In this situation, symptoms of menopause can be serious, as hormonal changes happen abruptly.
  • Chemotherapy: Cancer treatments can cause menopause quickly, with symptoms appearing shortly after treatment.
  • Ovarian Insufficiency: Referred to as premature ovarian failure, this condition happens when a woman’s ovaries lose function prior to 40. Only 1% of females experience premature menopause, but HRT can help protect the heart, brain, and bones.
HRT for man Women

Now that we’ve examined some of the ways that menopause manifests, let’s look at some common problems that females regularly endure:

1. Depression

If you’re going through menopause and feel like life is a tiresome burden, you’re not alone. Studies show that 15% of women go through depression to some degree during menopause. What many women don’t learn is that depression may start much earlier, during perimenopause or even earlier.

Depression can be hard to diagnose, even without perimenopause and menopause as a factor. With that said, keep the following signs in mind. If you notice any, it might be time to speak with a physician:

  • Feelings of Being Overwhelmed
  • Lack of Interest
  • Mood Swings
  • Chronic Exhaustion
  • Too Much Sleep
  • Too Little Sleep
  • Inappropriate Guilt

If you notice any of the signs above, it’s important that you understand that you’re not weak or broken. You’re going through a very normal emotional experience, which may be caused by hormone deficiency. However, with proper treatment from your doctor, depression doesn’t have to rule your life.

2. Mood Swings

You don’t have to have hormonal imbalances to have mood swings. Indeed, everyone gets moody from time to time. For women going through menopause, however, mood swings can be extreme and happen often. Hormone imbalances and mood swings go together, resulting in unusual emotional changes and even issues like insomnia.

Estrogen production, a hormone that fluctuates during menopause, affects serotonin production, which regulates mood. When both hormones are deficient, mood swings can become quite prevalent.

Fortunately, HRT treatments work wonders for women because they work to regulate hormones like estrogen. With HRT from Juventee, women don’t have to settle for the negative consequences that drastic mood swings can cause.

3. Hot Flashes

Hot flashes: whether you’re a man or a woman, you’ve probably heard of them. Hot flashes are very common issues associated with menopause and manifest as intense, sudden feelings of heat across the upper body. Some last a few seconds while others last many minutes, making them uncomfortable and inconvenient at all times. A few common symptoms of hot flashes include:

  • Overwhelming and Intense Sensations of Heat
  • Nausea
  • Anxiety
  • Increased Heart Rate
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches

Usually, a lack of estrogen causes hot flashes in menopausal women. Low levels of estrogen negatively affect a woman’s hypothalamus, or the part of the brain that regulates appetite and body temperature. Low estrogen levels cause the hypothalamus to assume incorrectly that the body is too hot. When it does, it dilates a woman’s blood vessels to boost blood flow.

Fortunately, most women don’t have to settle for the intense, unwanted feelings they endure with hot flashes. HRT pellet treatment from Juventee helps to stabilize hormones which may lessen the effects that hot flashes cause.

4. Weight Gain

Staying healthy and fit is a challenge for anybody living in modern America. For women with hormonal imbalances, however, it’s even harder. Weight gain is a concerning issue during menopause, but it can be manageable with a physician-led diet, exercise, and HRT treatments from Juventee.

HRT patients at Juventee benefit from health plans that keep hormones in check, making weight loss a real possibility. But which hormones need to be regulated to help avoid weight gain?

  • Progesterone:Depleted levels of progesterone may cause bloating and water retention, while loss of testosterone affects the ability to burn calories.
  • Estrogen:As you know by now, estrogen levels are often imbalanced during menopause. As such, the body searches for other sources of the hormone. Because estrogen is stored in fat cells, your body thinks it needs to increase fat production to obtain more. The hormone also plays a big part in insulin resistance, which can make weight loss during menopause even harder.
  • Chronic Stress: When we’re stressed, our body’s response is to believe that food is scarce. When this happens, our bodies go into “survival mode.” During this process, cortisol production is altered. When cortisol timing changes, your body works harder to produce fat. With chronic stress, this process repeatedly happens, leading to extreme weight gain during menopause.

5. Low Libido

Millions of adults around the U.S. suffer from low sex drive, but that doesn’t make it any more embarrassing to talk about. For many women going through pre-menopause and menopause, it’s an unfortunate side effect of unbalanced hormones. Thankfully, HRT may help women maintain a healthy libido, even after 50. But what causes lowered sexual desire in women as they age?

The hormones responsible for low libido in females are estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

Progesterone production decreases during perimenopause, resulting in lowered libido in some women. Lower progesterone production can also cause weight gain, exhaustion, and other symptoms common during menopause. Reduced estrogen levels during menopause may lead to vaginal dryness and even loss of muscle tension.

Testosterone is referred to as a male hormone, but it contributes to important health functionality in women as well. Female testosterone heightens sexual responses and intensifies orgasms. When the ovaries can’t produce sufficient levels of testosterone, low sex drive can happen.

6. Bone Density Loss

The inside of a woman’s bones is broken down and rebuilt by bone cells in an ongoing process called remodeling. This process is crucial for maintaining bone strength and health.

However, due to the loss of estrogen during menopause, this important process becomes unbalanced. Less bone is formed, and more bone is broken down. This advanced state of bone loss can be worrying for women, especially if they had an early menopause. With time, women may develop osteoporosis and a greater chance of breaking bones as they age.

Fortunately, HRT for women can actually mimic estrogen and progesterone, which may help prevent bone loss and lower chances of osteoporosis in women. That’s huge news for women around the U.S., many of whom are battling early bone loss due to a lack calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients crucial to bone health.

6. Bone Density Loss

The inside of a woman’s bones is broken down and rebuilt by bone cells in an ongoing process called remodeling. This process is crucial for maintaining bone strength and health.

However, due to the loss of estrogen during menopause, this important process becomes unbalanced. Less bone is formed, and more bone is broken down. This advanced state of bone loss can be worrying for women, especially if they had an early menopause. With time, women may develop osteoporosis and a greater chance of breaking bones as they age.

Fortunately, HRT for women can actually mimic estrogen and progesterone, which may help prevent bone loss and lower chances of osteoporosis in women. That’s huge news for women around the U.S., many of whom are battling early bone loss due to a lack calcium, vitamin D, and other nutrients crucial to bone health.

A New Youthful You Awaits at Juventee

If you are considering HRT treatments for women you need a team of hormone replacement experts by your side. At Juventee, our knowledgeable HRT doctors are ready to help. Our team will answer your initial questions, conduct necessary testing, and craft a customized program designed to alleviate the challenges you’re facing as a woman going through menopause.

With a healthy diet, exercise, positive life choices, and hormone replacement therapy, unveiling the new “you” is easier than you might think. Contact our office today to get started on your journey to optimal health and well-being.